Saturday, 14 March 2009

Confusing Chinese Names

Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!======================================================
This is hilarious ...
Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names:
Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin)
Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin)
Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin)
Carl Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien)
Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien)
Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien)
Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin)
Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien)
Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin)
Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien)
Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin)
Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin)
Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin)
Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien)
Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese)
Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien)
Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien)
Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien)
Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)



從前....有兩個年糕,一直都黏在一起... 直到有一天,他們終於分開了!!!! 兩個年糕感到非常高興,然後他們就和對方互相GIVE ME 5... 不幸的他們倆又黏了回去.....


有一天,你走在路上,突然一隻母狗撲向你... 從你腳上咬了一塊肉並迅速吞下去... 當你正要伸腳踢它的時候... 母狗眼含淚光的向你說:'你打吧...反正我肚里已經有了你的骨肉!!!'


有一个五岁男孩亲了四岁女孩的脸 四岁女孩就问那五岁男孩他会负责吗 五岁男孩就回答她说:放心吧 我们已经不是三岁小孩了


小明說:「阿康,問你「有一隻鯊魚吃下了一顆綠豆,結果它變成了什麼「?」 阿康說:「我不知道,答案是什麼?」 小明說:「嘿!嘿!答案是「綠豆沙(綠豆鯊)「,你很笨喔!」


美國人︰你看過木頭做的杯子嗎? 中國人︰沒有! 美國人︰那為什麼你們中國字的「杯「是木字旁? 中國人︰「杯「字旁邊不是有個「不「字嗎!也就是說它不是木頭做的。


某女校鬧鬼。   有天被小紅遇上了。   鬼說:學妹。。。你看。。。我沒有腳。。。我沒有腳。。。   小紅:那有什麼。學姐你看,我沒有胸部,我沒有胸部。


 一塊三分熟的牛排和一塊5分熟的牛排在大街上遇到了,為什麼他們沒打招呼呢 ??(假   設   他們會說話)   因為....................   因為.........................   因為他們都不熟啊~~!哈哈
